Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 8, 2018

Rules of Abstract Submission

Rules of abstract submission is regulated in accordance with the articles 4 - 5 - 6 of NCOC Guideline. If the abstract owner is a Turkish citizen ophthalmologist, he/she shall be a TOA member and have no subscription debt to the Association belongs to that year or any other past years.
(There is no requirement of being a TOA member for scientist belonging other fields or foreign doctors -even if they are ophthalmologists-.)
Proceeding transmissions shall only be transmitted via the website.
A person, as a praenomen, may transmit the proceeding transmission in the ways that “An oral presentation + a poster” or “Two Posters”.
Applications that breach this condition shall be rejected automatically by abstract acceptance site. Case reports with only one case shall only be transmitted as poster. Length of the oral presentations, including video presentations, will be 5 minutes.

Posters shall be transmitted as e-posters and prepared on online system. Also, there is no requirement of preparing them on Microsoft Powerpoint etc. softwares.

Candidature application to Proceedings and Congress Awards “Best research”, “Best poster”, “Best video”, “Best medical photograph” shall be made through ticking the related box on notification transmission form in web site. Finalization of the candidature will be recognized after the approvalĀ  of the study by evaluation commission.

For Proceeding Transmission via Web Site

Proceedings, shall be transmitted via the link on congress' web site (www.todnet.org). Applications with other methods such as e-mail, written form, fax, disk will not be approved.
Only the first authors have the right to transmit proceedings. For this, notice owners must know their TOD ID Number and Web password.
Our members can reach this information whether by directly mailing the [email protected] or by entering the Member Information Bank on www.todnet.org and filling out the related form.
Same rules applies for non-TOD member notice owners. Such individuals will be given a temporary ID No and Password that will be valid for only congress process. For this, they must fill out the membership form on congress website (www.todnet.org). Individuals who take task of filling out the form for other individuals must know the TOD ID No and Web password of related individuals. There is a “1 oral presentation + 1 poster” or total “2 poster” presentation right for praenomen authors on notices. Rules of filling out the proceeding introduction form appear in detail on related web page. In order for no faults, please read those rules carefully and particularly give attention to below stated aspects:

  • Fill out the authors names and surnames in order of the ranks in study.
  • Implement the subject classification carefully.
  • Fill the proceeding out accordingly to its structure. Notice texts must consist of “Objective”, “Material and Method”, “Results” and “Discussion” paragraphs.
  • Notice texts must be written in clear and perceptible manner. There shall be no expression faults and misspellings.
  • After each proceeding transmission or amending process, check your proceeding by re-logging in to preview section and see if it is implemented to data base as you wanted.
  • Keep the approval mails which will be sent to your e-mail address after your proceeding transmission process.
  • Posters shall be submitted as e-posters and prepared on AbstractAgent system.
  • Proceedings must be about 1000-2000 letters excluding the author information and notice headline.

Evaluation of Notices

Proceedings, after the subject classification which will be supervised by UKOK, will be sent to Evaluation Commission members, which consist of related Head of Unit(s), Unit Secretary and Unit Education Representative through online system, fields of “author names” and “place the study take place” will not be visible to them. Evaluation commissions will be attentive to process the oral notice and poster evaluations in accordance with the numbers that will sent to them by UKOK.

Evaluation Commission members will indicate their decisions through marking the form on virtual medium. Notices will be evaluated as “accepted-rejected” and “oral-poster-video-medical photograph”. Evaluation commissions are entitled and hold the right to change their choices on presentations. In line with commission choice, first names may present two oral notices.

Case reports for one case (with the exception of notifications that require the video presentations by definition) may not be converted to oral presentation by virtue of its condition of ‘accepted only as posters’. Related commission may require further evidence from authors to illuminate the notices that has a suspicion of being a copy or not being an original study.